Saturday, February 6, 2010


Love, the four letter word that means so much can make a person’s day. It can make you wake up in the morning with just a little more bounce in your step. The same little four letter word that can also break you down, make you realize that it’s not always about you. It can be an absolutely terrifying word, it can change a person. It makes people do crazy things, it makes you stop and think about things you thought you would never have thought about. The famous quote from John Lennon was “All you need is love.” Is it really all that simple though? Is it just four simple letters that can change everything? Why is it that people are so scared to hear them? Why can some people just say they love someone and not actually believe and some people only say it when they truly mean it? Why do some people not even believe in love at all? Love is a tricky thing, we can think that we love someone at a young age and at the end of the day we have no clue what love is. We can even think we have found love after have already live our life and think we have already learned everything life has to offer and still have no clue what love is. What is love? Well we know is four letters, it’s pretty easy to spell and to some it’s easy to say. We know that we love our parents and parents love their children. We know that we should love thy neighbour as thy self, and there are many different definitions of love. Can it be as simple as just find your best friend, someone who you could not bear to live without. Would it be someone who you can tell everything and anything to, or someone who knows you inside and out? The person who knows every little secret you have and you have known for a lifetime. Is love like life’s version of chesse wiz? We don’t really know what cheese whiz is, and we know that its only one particle from being plastic but we accept the fact that we can eat it and really enjoy it. Everyone loves a happy ending, the idea of prince charming waking us up out of our slumber of life. We accept that we will never understand many things this life has for us such as love. We don’t really ever know what it is, or even what it feels like. We have an idea of what it is and we guess at the fact that we know what love is. It could very well be one particle away from a fairy tale, but we will accept that fact that we truly don’t know what it really is and believe that we have found it. No one will ever have the true and real answers as to what all of this truly means. That can very well be the answer to these questions or maybe the answer is that there is no answer. Children have an amazing mind of imagination, they can believe in the smallest things and no one can tell them otherwise. They enjoy thinking and believe that the world is a happy place of fun and play and as we grow up we lose that. We lose the imagination and only focus on reality and won’t look at it any other way. There are facts and there is fiction and we just only want believe what we can see and feel. But maybe it’s all fiction, maybe we just are not suppose to understand everything.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Middle of the night

You're up in the middle of the night
Trying to working things out in your mind
Dearest friend I bid good night
Everything will work out if it's right
Go to bed
I wish you well
we will speak again in the morning light
when we are right and they are wrong
It's time to leave again
just leave everything behind
following the street lights
throwing everything on the line
And until you return
I will be here
in this morning light
and in the darkness of this night

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ben & Jerry's

Current Tune: Cocaine Cowgirl - Matt Mays & El Torpedo

So for this week blog I just thought that I would just introduce myself, my name is Christina Melnick, my background is Ukraine and I don’t like cheese. I hope to have this blog updated once a week mostly every Thursday but if I feel inspired then more often. So to explain my likes I will put it in list form because I do enjoy a good list every now and then.

Hand Bags
High Heels
Fish and Chips
Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream
Black Berry’s
iPod Touch
Marc Jacobs
Andy Warhol
Black and White Photographs
Old Photos in general
Nova Scotia
Rock Music
Green Apples
Fire Places
Snooze Button
Friendly People
A good bed
Interior design
New York
Blu Ray
Beacon and Eggs
A good book
Movies Theatres
Discovery Channel
Big Cove
Vintage everything
Bubble Baths
British Accents
Accents in general
Chinese Food
Board Games

Thursday, March 12, 2009


With one thing so deep, dark and mysterious such as the ocean how can one not wonder what is really laying on the bottom; or to ponder if there is a bottom of ocean. There is only one equivalent to such a wonder and that would be the human soul. The soul is what makes us human, it’s what makes us people with different out looks to life and how we view the world. Not one person thinks the exact same and not two people feel and see the same. We are to each it’s own, we just cross our fingers and hope we are doing the right thing. No one can love the same yet two people can fall in love in matter of months and be together for years. Not one person has the same outlook on life but we can always find a common ground for approval. The human soul is an unexplained, mysterious, and dark existence that is inside of every human. It is what makes us get up in the morning and fall in love with the person your with every day no matter how long you have been together. It makes us listen when someone needs to talk; it makes us care about the people around us. Our soul is what makes us human it allows us to feel pain when we don’t want to, it allows us laugh when we just want to break down and cry. It gives us strength when we just want to quit. But most of all our soul gives faith that tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start and a new beginning to challenge ourselves once again and to see how far we can push to reach our goals in life. So then the question would be what are the goals in our lives? Will our goals improve the way we live our life or is it just a temporary goal that you scribble down on a napkin and put away for another day? With every new day there is a new thing to do and new task to get done, but at the end of our endless lists what happens then? Do just stop and wait for a new day to come so we can do all the same things over again? Whatever happened to just taking one day at a time and resting, we are so caught up in today’s society that we forget to just relax and re charge. Everything is so go, go, go... that we may forget to say I love you when we run out the door, or we may be in such a rush that we don’t have the time just to open up the door for someone else. Have we lost the true meaning of love thy neighbour as thy self? Or have we just lost who we are as people and just came human bodies running around making sure we get everything done in the day. Have our souls been compromised to the twenty first century living. We are so caught up in keeping up with the Jones that we forgot just to keep up with ourselves. The ocean is one thing that we can get lost in, but to get lost in the way of life that we lose ourselves in another. Our souls will always be there no matter how caught up get in the moment. It is our little voice in our head that does say to just slow down and look at the bigger picture. It’s what makes us who we are, it reminds us to tell our love ones that we love them every day. It gives us the push to grab the door for someone else, and most importantly it lets us fall in love and to love thy neighbour as thy self.